
Showing posts from 2017

New Year's Resolution Ideas - How to make the best of 2018

New Year is on its way and aren’t you planning to make the best New Year’s resolutions? Well, if resolutions are not yet in your plans then gear up for it as they are life-changing. TRUST ME, they are!  Hence, it’s the time to sit and jot down a list of all changes or initiative you want to bring into your life to make it even better. However, we are here to help you with some spiritual, moral and self-development aspirations on your way. This initiative would for sure make you gain confidence, knowledge, charm and for sure happiness. Always remember- You are never too old to reinvent and refurbish yourself. Here come the most helpful resolutions that we promise will make your 2018 the best!!!!!!!!!! Meditate and Do Yoga Stress proves to be the biggest enemy. Take your first step towards throwing away these stress balls rolling down your blood. How do we do this? Take the best resolution ever of contributing at least half an hour of your daily routine for the cleansi...

2018 Yearly Horoscope – Know what the New Year will fill in Your Life!

Let’s know what colour the new year will fill in your life. What will be your health status in your life What will be the situation of your business? What new happiness can come in your life in 2018? For Your personalized Horoscope,  Click Here   हिंदी होरोस्कोप Aries 2018 The new year will be full of joy for a person of Aries, all the decisions taken wisely all year will continue to bring good news. Although some stress is possible in family life — you can feel dissatisfied and unhappy because of your rampant routine and irregularity in eating habits. Early 2 months of the year will not be very good in terms of health. Economic progress will be made after October; Also, your marital life will be more pleasurable. This year you will benefit from short trips. It is also possible that you visit pilgrimage. Children will move and they will be good. Although this year you avoid being caught in any controversy or confrontation-you may be financially in ...

Varsik Rashifal 2018 _ 2018 Horoscope in Hindi

2018 वार्षिक राशिफल – आइए जानिए आनेवाला नया वर्ष क्या रंग भरेगा आपके जीवन में कैसा रहेगा आपके स्वास्थ्य का हाल कैसा रहेगा आपके कारोबार का हाल क्या क्या नई ख़ुशियाँ आ सकती है। निजी कुंडली प्राप्त करने के लिए यहां  क्लिक करें 1. मेष राशिफल 2018 मेष राशी वाले जातक के लिए ये नया वर्ष आनन्द से भरपूर रहेगा सारे वर्ष बुद्धिमानी से लिए गए निर्णय अच्छी ख़बर लाते रहेंगे। हालाँकि पारिवारिक जीवन में कुछ तनाव मुमकिन है–आप ख़ुद को भागदौड़ भरी दिनचर्या व खान-पान में अनियमितता के चलते असंतुष्ट और नाख़ुश महसूस कर सकते हैं। वर्ष के आरंभिक 2 महीने स्वास्थ्य के लिहाज़ से बहुत बेहतर नहीं रहेंगे।अक्टूबर के बाद आर्थिक तौर पर प्रगति होगी; साथ ही आपका वैवाहिक जीवन भी अधिक सुखमय रहेगा। इस साल छोटी यात्राओं से आपको फ़ायदा होगा। यह भी संभव है कि आप तीर्थयात्रा पर जाएँ। बाल-बच्चे तरक़्क़ी करेंगे तथा उनका प्रदर्शन अच्छा रहेगा। हालाँकि इस साल आप किसी भी विवाद या टकराव में फँसने से बचें–व्यर्थ के विवाद में आपको वित्तीय तौर पर हानि हो सकती है। आप दूसरों का दिल जीतने में क़ामयाब रहेंगे। कभी-कभी आप महसूस कर सकत...

Magh Krishna Ekadashi Vrat Hindi _ Shattila Ekadashi Vrat Katha hindi

माघ कृष्ण एकादशी व्रत(षटतिला एकादशी व्रत) 24 एकादशीओं में से एक है जो एक वर्ष में आती हैं। 2018 में षटतिला एकादशी 12 जनवरी को आएगी। इस दिन भगवान विष्णु की पूजा की जाती है| एक समय दालभ्य ऋषि ने पुलस्त्य ऋषि से पूछा कि हे महाराज, पृथ्वी लोक में मनुष्य ब्रह्महत्यादि महान पाप करते हैं, पराए धन की चोरी तथा दूसरे की उन्नति देखकर ईर्ष्या करते हैं। साथ ही अनेक प्रकार के व्यसनों में फँसे रहते हैं, फिर भी उनको नर्क प्राप्त नहीं होता, इसका क्या कारण है? वे न जाने कौन-सा दान-पुण्य करते हैं जिससे उनके पाप नष्ट हो जाते हैं। यह सब कृपापूर्वक आप कहिए। पुलस्त्य मुनि कहने लगे कि हे महाभाग! आपने मुझसे अत्यंत गंभीर प्रश्न पूछा है। इससे संसार के जीवों का अत्यंत भला होगा। इस भेद को ब्रह्मा, विष्णु, रुद्र तथा इंद्र आदि भी नहीं जानते परंतु मैं आपको यह गुप्त तत्व अवश्य बताऊँगा। उन्होंने कहा कि माघ मास लगते ही मनुष्य को स्नान आदि करके शुद्ध रहना चाहिए। इंद्रियों को वश में कर काम, क्रोध, लोभ, मोह, अहंकार, ईर्ष्या तथा द्वेष आदि का त्याग कर भगवान का स्मरण करना चाहिए। पुष्य नक्षत्र में गोबर, कपास,  ति...

Magh Krishna Ekadashi Vrat – Shattila Ekadashi Vrat Katha

Ekadashi is considered to be one of the major rituals in Hinduism. In a year a total of 24 types of Ekadashi fall. In 2018 Shattila Ekadashi vrat (Magh Krishna Ekadashi vrat) will fall on 12th January. It is also known as Til Ekadashi which comes from the Hindi word of Sesame. It is celebrated on the 11th lunar day of the Krishna Paksha in the Hindu Calendar month Pausha or Magh, which in the Gregorian calendar falls in December or January. This day is dedicated to Lord Vishnu. If fast is observed on this day and rituals are followed then believe goes that you will never feel shortage of food, wealth and prosperity. Shattila Ekadashi Vrat Katha According to legends, once upon a time, there was an old lady who had lots of wealth. She used to perform a lot of charity for the poor and needy people in form of offerings like clothes, jewelry, and other precious items. Lord Krishna was impressed by her selflessness and hence decided to give her a visit. One day Lord Kris...

How To Grab Lord Krishna’s Attention?

Is getting Lord Krishna’s attention that easy? Will God listen to all your needs just like that? All of you must have heard about Shri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu. He is considered as a Demigod by many people. His highest level of devotion and obligation towards Lord Krishna was extremely appreciable and awe-inspiring. He is the man behind the preaching and propagation of ‘The Bhagavad Gita’. Watch next, what we need to follow or you can say we need to be:- 2. A person who does not complain Life is full of possibilities and so are the incidents in our daily life. Sometimes we may get happiness in things we had never expected and sometimes uncertain sadness may prevail our days. But, Sri Chaitanya says that you should always be satisfied with whatever we have. Sad days are here to leave one day and happy days are also here to leave one day. We should not complain about anything we have or we desire to have. A person who keeps on complaining is never paid attention by...

Pradosh Vrat katha or Vidhi - Bagawan Shiva ke liye sabse Sukhad Din

प्रदोष व्रत प्रदोषम के नाम से भी जाना जाता है और सनातन धर्म के अनुयायियों द्वारा सबसे बड़ा पवित्र व्रत माना जाता है. प्रदोष व्रत और पूजा कृष्णपक्ष के 13 वें दिन पर की जाती है जो भगवान् शिव और देवी पार्वती को समर्पित है. प्रदोष व्रत कथा और विधि जानिए| प्रदोष व्रत क्यों रखते है ? ऐसा विश्वास है की इस अवधि के दौरान भगवान् शिव अत्यंत प्रसन्न रहते है और अपने सभी भक्तों को आशीर्वाद देते है , प्रदोष काल के दौरान या त्रयोदशी के दिन उनकी सभी इच्छाओं की पूर्ति करते है. शिव के भक्त मोक्ष प्राप्ति और अपने स्वप्न के पूर्ति के लिए प्रदोष का व्रत करते है. प्रदोष व्रत कब करते है? प्रदोष व्रत की पूजा त्रयोदशी तिथि के संध्याकाल में दोनों चंद्र्पक्ष के शुक्ल और कृष्ण पक्ष पर की जाती है. ये नव-चंद्रोदय या पूर्ण चन्द्र ; अमावस्या और पूर्णिमा से तेरहवीं तिथि या चन्द्र तिथि होती है. प्रदोष व्रत मुख्य रूप से पांच प्रकार के होते है: नित्य प्रदोष – यह व्रत हर संध्याकाल में सूर्यास्त के समय के बीच में किया जाता है जब तक की सभी तारें आकाश में नजर आते है. पक्ष प्रदोष – यह व्रत अमावस्या के ...

Do You Want To Make Your Kid A Super Star? Here is a video contest for the babies!

Is your baby a great dramatist or may be one of the famous audience enchanters? Does he loooooveeeee….. being the center of attraction with his mesmerizing skills? WElllllll…. We have something for your baby! Let that cute and naughty miniature know that he can be a super star and the  brand ambassador of Rgyan . He can also fill up his bank account with a huge pocket money in advance. 😛 We at Rgyan have organized a “VIDEOGENIC BABY CONTEST” where you need to share the  video clip  of your baby doing some activity which should be related to Mythology, Chant or Mantras. What To Do? The baby can be seen chanting some Mantra, Shloka or aartis or may be saying some mythological story. He can also enact some God or mythological character. He can perform a prayer, havan or puja as well. Join the Whatsapp group to share your video with us. Along with the video share your Name, Email ID, age of the kid as well. We will select the best 10 and they will be awarded...

Most Effective ‘Ayurvedic’ Remedies For Winter Season

Winters are around and we all are experiencing some or other issues related to our health. Since ages, we have to follow a strict routine leading such a nerve-racking life during the winter season. Are you into some chronic indigestion or facing severe irritable bowel syndrome or having some annoying trouble breathing? Or else have you been undergoing ceaseless headache or persistent Hair problems? These symptoms seem quite mundane nowadays, which lead to incessant snags such as Hair Dandruff, Obesity and Acne Problems etc. If you are one who is continuously lining with any of these troubles, try some ‘Ayurvedic’ Remedies and Treatments for the betterment of health to enjoy the misty beauty of winter season present in nature. As Hindu Mythology and ‘Vedic Puranas’ say- ‘Ayurveda’ is a traditional system of medicine. And the term ‘Ayurveda’ stands for ‘Science of Life’. ‘Ayurveda’ has a panacea of all the diseases and thus carries protocols for all the predicaments. Ayurvedic Headac...

Pradosh Vrat Katha and Puja Vidhi – Happiest Day of Lord Shiva

Pradosh Vrat is also known as Pradosham and marks as a major sacred observation by the followers of Sanatana Dharm. The Pradosh fasting and rituals are observed on the 13th day of a lunar fortnight which is dedicated to Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati. Why Observe Pradosh Vrat? It is believed that Lord Shiva is extremely happy during this period and blesses all his devotees and fulfills their wishes during the Pradosh period on Trayodashi day. Shiva devotees perform Pradosh for attaining moksha and fulfilling their dreams. When To Observe Pradosh Vrat? Pradosh Vrat worship is done in the evening on the Trayodashi tithi of both lunar fortnights – Shukla and Krisha Paksha. These are the 13th tithi or the lunar days from the new moon or full moon; Amavasya and Poornima. Pradosh Vrat is basically of five types. Nitya Pradosh – This vrat is observed every evening between the period of sunset, till all the stars are visible in the sky. Paksha Pradosh – This vrat is observ...

Free Monthly Horoscope – December 2017

As the end of the year approaches so does the end of many evil and good things come along as well. This month is filled with transformation, change, and excitement for all of you. Let’s enjoy the wild ride. Aries Career : December 20th will mark a change in your work and professional accomplishments. You will come across a higher demand for your job and also a sudden seriousness may arise. Your planets will lead you to a path that is perfect for you. You may feel extra confident the coming month in the workplace, and everyone is sure to notice. For the next few weeks, trust your judgment when it comes to finances, career path, and projects. This alignment makes you at the top of your game in your professional sector. Personal Life : You seem to enter the growth in expansion, philosophy, and travel. You will find yourself in the company of people this month who are cultured and open-minded intellectuals. Your love life will be very balanced and your spouse or love wil...

How To Do Havan At Home Without Pandit & The Havan Mantras

According to our Vedic Scriptures, Havan should be the most important rite of our daily activities. As brushing your teeth and taking a bath is the first thing we do in the morning, Havan should also be done regularly Homa/agnihotra/Havan means making offerings to the fire; these are oblations to the devas and other celestial beings. It is basically the power of Deva Yajna. In this way, we pay off our debt for the blessings received from the devas. If you read the Bhagavad Gita (3:10–13), Lord Krishna says, ‘In ancient times, having created mankind together with this yajna, the Lord of Creation said: ‘By this yajna, you shall propagate. Let this yajna be the fulfiller of all your desires. You shall nourish the devas, the shining ones, by this yajna, and may the devas nourish you. Thus, nourishing one another, you shall reap the highest good. For, nourished by yajna, the devas shall bestow on you the enjoyments that you desire. He is a thief who enjoys what is given...

Hindu Havan / Yajna – An Ancient Fire Ritual

Hinduism has extremely precious rituals and vidhis associated with its existence. Every ritual framed has highly advanced beneficiary methodologies associated. Havan is seen to be the prime part of any major Puja. The sacredness and purity which a Havan can create are much more than any other process. A Homa or Havan is a sacred Hindu ritual in which offerings are made to the fire. Fire is considered to be the main element of a Havan or Homa as well as belongs to the major five elements of existence. The offerings made to the sacred fire, during a Havan, are said to  purify the environment as well as the people around . It is also believed to drive away all negative energies around. This fire is supposedly the main link between cosmic consciousness and human consciousness. The key to spiritual and material success Havan is seen as one of the ten niyams/rules or positive virtues that are prescribed for a devotee, who wishes to come closer to the divine, one who wants to acqu...